Holdoff Report aggregates some of the most comprehensive and essential teachings of Pauline Mid-Acts Dispensational Right Division lessons with an emphasis on Sonship Edification throughout the Internet. You can find below links for notable ministries as well as lesson playlist and notes for thousands of essential teachings to edify the Body of Christ.

Enjoy the Bible Ministries

The teachings of Keith R. Blades are some of the best on Mid-Acts Dispensational Right Division as well as a primer for Sonship Edification. His book "Properly Handling the Word of Truth" is an excellent companion to the series Basic Bible Comprehension. His other major writing "Satan and His Plan of Evil" is second to none on understanding the scope of the satanic plan to de-rail Christians in order to make a mockery of them in heavenly places,
Millennium Bible Institute

Dr. Michael McDaniel presents one of the best series of teachings on Sonship Edification on the internet  and remains currently available on his YouTube Channel MillenniumBible2001
Triangle Bible Church

Mark Newbold's many hundreds of hours of MP3 teachings and current YouTube Channel Playlist on Sonship Edification allows you to enter into the teachings presented to Triangle Bible Church. The hundreds of pages of notes on PDF allowed for download are without comparison. This site you will not want to miss.
Grace Ambassadors

Justin Johnson and his associates bring a website without match on Mid-Acts Dispensational Right Division Teachings.

Enjoy the Bible Ministries
Millenneum Bible Institute
Triangle Bible Church
Grace Ambassadors

2019 Holdoff Report
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